Dallas Under Attack

Blue Lives MatterI am ashamed of ABC 20/20 tonight.  There special edition America In Crisis – Dallas Under Attack was more about sympathizing with the black community than honoring those five officers killed and the additional seven who were wounded.

There was talk about black parents having the talk with their children.  About how to respond when interacting with police officers.  Well guess what black parents, us white parents have been having that conversation with our children for generations.  My mother told me on more than one occasion that if I (underage) went out (to a bar) at night and got caught by the police to NOT call home until after eight in the morning.  She was not going to come and bail me out.  I knew what was legal and if I choose to break the law I was going to pay the price.

They also interviewed a gentleman regarding the “uniform” his children wear.  His children wear button downs and polo shirts and Docker style pants.  They are not allowed to wear hoodies, baggie clothes, t-shirts with inappropriate sayings or signs and no sun glasses.  Well guess what black parents, us white parents have been telling our children that baggie pants that hang down to your knees are inappropriate and that hoodies were only necessary during the fall and winter months.  We also have  been instructing our children that when you interact with the police or other people in authority to remove your sun glasses because it is important to look others in the eyes and for them to be able to look into your eyes.

I question the current reporting of the incident in Dallas, you see person interview immediately after or I should say during the incident were reporting that there was more than one shooter.  Police even were reporting that there was more than one shooter and all of a sudden there is only one shooter????  Really????  One shooter taking out twelve officers????

The organizers, Black Lives Matters, of the rally that set the scene for the death and devastation in Dallas is only concerned that this incident may put an end to the discussion of police violence against the black community. http://fortune.com/2016/07/08/black-lives-matter-speaks-out-against-dallas-shooting/

Black Lives Matter organizers actually said “Black Lives Matter doesn’t condone shooting law enforcement. But I have to be honest: I understand why it was done,” Maejor said. “I don’t encourage it, I don’t condone it, I don’t justify it. But I understand it.”  They, Black Lives Matter, also plan to go forward with an event called “Weekend of Rage” in Philadelphia this weekend.  http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/leaders-black-lives-matter-condemn-violence-dallas-40435135

BLACK LIVES MATTER is a terrorist organization promoting violence against law enforcement.

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