I have never been to a school that would claim an elite status. I have been to a number of schools on small military bases and the public schools I attended were very diverse having students who were Caucasian, Asian, Mexican and Black. The one international school I attended was just that; an international school. My classmates were from around the world and we enjoyed sharing our culture, traditions and upbringings.
Fast forward to my early twenties (late 1970’s early 1980’s) – apply for a job that I am qualified for but am told that since I don’t speak Spanish they cannot hire me. What is wrong with this picture; well you see, I am applying for a job in the United States and it is a local company which doesn’t do business with Mexico, Spain or any Central American country. This happened on more than one occasion. Apply for yet another job that I am qualified for and after three interviews am told that they cannot hire me because I am not African American or Mexican. I was told by the HR department that I was the most qualified but because of Affirmative Action they needed to bring up the number of African American and Mexican employees within the company so they wouldn’t be hiring me.
I am not the only person who has had to deal with these issues. We Baby Boomers dealt with it and hoped that allowing the government to mandate a quota; per say; for large companies, that when our children grew up it would be different. Well my child is all grown up with a child of his own and guess what, things haven’t changed. Is it my fault that some Mexicans who live in the United States still refuse to learn English… NO. Is it my fault that some African American parents and Mexican parents choose to raise their children NOT to value an education…. NO.