Having to use violence

When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game.  The establishment will irritate you: pull your beard, flick your face to make you fight.  Because once they’ve got you violent then they know how to handle you.  The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor. – John Lennon

In 1964 Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream began to be realized by the American People.  Since that time the Democratic Party has been working on regaining power over the citizens of the United States who refer to themselves as Black Americans or African Americans.  The Democratic Party has systematically re-written history, they have made promises that cannot be kept, they have let the Black/African Americans believe that they are owed something other than the American Dream which is the ability for an education through twelfth grade, the ability to work hard, the ability to own property, and the ability to vote.  Those Black/African Americans who believe the rhetoric being spewed by the Democratic Party are doomed for failure.

The Democratic Party has systematically told the Black/African Americans to blame “White” America for their problems.  When a Black/African American person is killed by a “White” American they band together and vilify the “White” person even when there is evidence that the person killed was in part responsible for the actions of the “White” person.  Yet if a Black/African American kills a “White” American there is little to no mention of those incidents.

The Democratic Party allows Black/African American groups to make terroristic threats against “White” Americans without reprise.  Yet if a “White” American group even hints at saying anything against Black/African Americans they are investigate by the government and brand/labeled terrorists, racists, and groups to be watched.

Wake up Black/African Americans the Democratic Party is handling you….  Our Black President does not make speeches encouraging the mothers and fathers of our Black/African American youth to keep their children in school, to insist they behave and pay attention in school and to teach your children a good work ethic.  Instead he makes speeches as to what you are owed…  Speak with any Black/African American who is successful (other than a musician or actor) and they will tell you that their parent(s) made sure that they attended school, did their homework and studies hard.  Their parent(s) also instilled them with the ethics of hard work, morals, and self respect.

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