Really Teachers, don’t you realize that homework helps our children become more proficient in the subject(s) that they are studying. How about the fact that homework teaches our children about responsibilities. Or what about the fact that it teaches our children time management.
I, for one, am not afraid to admit that I probably would have failed elementary school if I had not done my homework, which throughout the years included: 1) On a weekly basis – writing each spelling word ten times then using each word in a sentence and learning how to pronoun each word properly. 2) Completing ten to twenty math problems, almost daily. 3) Learning my times table and being able to complete a times table chart. 4) Reading chapters in my history and science book and completing the questions at the end of the chapter. 5) Reading assigned books.
Maybe the reason our children are failing is not because of the schools they went to, but the fact that they are not learning about responsibilities and time management. Maybe the reason our children are no longer proficient in math without the use of an electronic device is because they were never expected to master the basics. Maybe the reason our children cannot spell or use proper sentence structure is because the never mastered the basics. Maybe the reason our children drop out of college is because they have no idea how to study.