So let me see if I have this right;
- Democrats would rather have a woman; who has been involved more than 20 political scandals (see list below) during her 30+ years in political office, either personally or through marriage.
- Women accuse Trump as being misogynistic yet they have spent more than $200 million dollars viewing the film “Fifty Shade of Grey” and additional millions in book sales of “Fifty Shades of Grey”.
- Women accuse Trump of denigrating women yet millions of women demonstrated against Trump wearing fake vaginas on their head and fake penises strapped to their bodies.
- ABC reported that Obama removed/deported 2.5 million illegal aliens, Bush removed/deported 2 million illegal aliens and Clinton removed/deported 870,000 illegal aliens; but Trump is the villain because he wants to fix the problem of illegals entering the country.
- Democrats want to blame Trump for the racial divide in the United States yet it was in 2013 that the Black Lives Matter movement began, so put the blame where it belongs which is under the Obama administration. Obama is the president that allowed the racial divide to be set back more than 50 years and now you have the black individuals segregating themselves. Black university students are demanding their own graduation ceremonies and their own housing units.
Hillary lost the election because she called anyone who did not agree with her Deplorable. It was at that point in time that millions of people rallied. The facts are that Hillary is an accomplice to a sexual predator. Hillary says one thing one year and something different the next year. Hillary has been involved in the murder of four citizens in a foreign country. Hillary lost respect when she remained married to Bill Clinton and supported his bad behavior throughout the years. Hillary and Bill Clinton both went on public television and out right lied to the citizen of the United States; Bill regarding Lewinsky and Hillary regarding Benghazi. Hillary received monies laundered through her foundation from drug dealers and from businesses that are in countries that are not considered our friends.
So, can somebody please explain why Hillary would make a better president than Trump, without bashing Trump…. Don’t tell me Hillary would be a better President because Trump is a misogynist, because Hillary remains married to a sexual predator. Don’t tell me Hillary would be a better President because of Trumps ties to some foreign government when Hillary has ties to different foreign governments… Please go for it.
Whomever told you life would be fare and easy they lied to you….
“When life is too easy for us, we must beware or we may not be ready to meet the blows which sooner or later come to everyone, rich or poor.” Eleanor Roosevelt
1974 – Fired from Watergate Investigation
1978 – Cattle-Futures Miracle
1993 – White House Travel Scandal
1994 – Whitewater Scandal
Circa 1990 – Rose Law Firm Scandal
Circa 1990 – Foster Suicide Scandal
Circa 1990 – Flowers Sex Scandal
1996 – Chinagate
1996 – Filegate
1996 – Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
1998 – Lewinsky Scandal
1999 – Clinton impeachment
2001 – Lootergate
2008 – Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal
2010 – Haiti Relief Scandal
2010 – Weinergate
2012 – Benghazi Scandal
2015 – Clinton Foundation Scandal
2016 – Email Scandal